
BEGINNING IN 2018, non-wood bats must have the USA Baseball stamp and be no more than 2 5/8” in diameter at the widest part of the barrel. All bats must comply with rule 1.10 of the official baseball rules. BBCOR bats that are a minus-3 can be used.

When on Offense

- Entire rosters will be placed in the batting order (continuous batting lineup will be used) unless it is agreed to use a 9-player batting order prior to the game beginning
- Late arriving players will be placed at the bottom of the batting order or entered in the game per coach’s discretion
- Dropped third strike and infield fly rules are in effect
- Stealing bases and leading off is allowed
- On-deck batters must stand in the designated on-deck circle while waiting their turn at bat. The use of a batting sleeve or ‘donut’ is not allowed.

When On Defense
- The defensive team is allowed a minimum of eight players in the field to begin the game and a maximum of nine players on the field during the game
- All male players are required to wear a protective cup; catchers must wear shin guards, chest protector, and full, one-piece catcher’s helmet with dangling style throat protector.
- Pitching mound distance is 60.5 feet; bases are 90 feet (regulation field).

Pitching Rules
- Pitchers are not allowed to wear white shirts under their uniforms, any other white clothing item on their arms or hands, or batting gloves
- Pitchers who throw 41 or more pitches are not allowed to play catcher for the remainder of the day; Note: this is a hard threshold and does not allow for a pitcher to finish an at bat. For example, Mike has thrown 39 pitches and faces his last batter. He throws 5 pitches to that batter before he is replaced on the mound. Mike cannot play catcher that day. This includes double-headers.
- Only rostered players are allowed to warm up pitchers on the field in the bullpen area in pre-game preparation or during games; this player must wear a catcher’s helmet with dangling style throat guard when warming up a pitcher.
- A pitcher may be penalized for an illegal action while on the mound with a balk (or illegal pitch if no baserunner). A balk will result in the base runner advancing one free base. An illegal pitch will result in a ball to the batter.
- Players who play the position of catcher in four or more innings cannot pitch during that calendar day. This includes if one or more of those innings are (is) partial inning(s).
- Players of Little League age 12 can pitch a maximum of 85 pitches per game.
- Players of Little League age 13 or 14 can pitch a maximum of 95 pitches per game.
- A pitcher who is removed from the mound but remains in the game (occupies a different defensive position) can return as a pitcher anytime in the remainder of the game, but only once per game.
- A mandatory number of days rest is required for baseball pitchers, based on the number of pitches thrown that day:
Pitches Thrown
Mandatory Days of Rest
1 – 20 Pitches
0 calendar days (may pitch following day)
21 – 35 Pitches
1 calendar day of rest (cannot pitch next day)
36 – 50 Pitches
2 calendar days of rest (cannot pitch next two days following game)
51 – 65 Pitches
3 calendar days of rest (cannot pitch next three days following game)
66 or More Pitches
4 calendar days of rest (cannot pitch next four days following game)
- If a pitcher reaches a day’s of rest threshold while facing a batter, the pitcher may continue to pitch until the batter reaches base, is retired, or the third out is made. The pitcher will only be required to observe the calendar days of rest for the threshold that was reached during that at-bat if removed from the mound prior to facing the next batter.

Game Rules
- Juniors Division baseball is open to players who are Little League age 12 - 14.
- All managers, coaches and players are required to be in proper League attire, which is considered full uniforms for players and team hats for managers/coaches; Juniors/Seniors division players may wear metal or rubber cleats.
- Members of the coaching staff are required to check pitching affidavits before games in order to determine pitching eligibility for that game
- Games will be limited to the maximum of seven innings, no inning shall start after 2 hours. The inning officially starts after the 3rdout of the previous inning.
- Complete games are defined as a minimum of five innings or four and a half innings if the home team is winning. The 10-run “mercy” rule applies to the inning limits listed here;
- Games may end in a tie if time expires and/or a minimum of 5 innings have been played and the game is called due to weather or light levels. - A minimum of one adult and a maximum of three adults from the coaching staff or parent volunteers are allowed in the dugout area at one time
- Members of the coaching staff from the defensive team are not allowed to enter the field and should stay in the dugout area during play
- Players on the team roster in uniform are the only children allowed in the dugout
- Coaches and players are allowed to serve as base coaches. Player base coaches must wear a batting helmet while on the field. Base coaches must stay within the coaching box and not allowed to speak during the pitcher’s wind up. Base coaches are not allowed to physically assist runners during play or the runner will be called out
- No negative chatter is allowed at any point during games by players, members of the coaching staff or spectators;
- No chanting is by players, members of the coaching staff or spectators is allowed once the batter is in the batter’s box
- Injured players are allowed to temporarily leave games and return to play. Injured base runners will be replaced by the player who made the last out in the current or prior inning
- Members of the coaching staff are required to complete League authorized pitch count forms by signing two copies, one for each team, after each game and submit these forms to the League

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